Date: June 14, 2016
Location: Paducah, Texas
Some June supercells blew up in Western North Texas and dropped hail on the highway near Paducah, Texas.
Storm Chaser Ben Holcomb’s recap of the Paducah Texas Hailstorm
Storm Chaser Ben Holcomb grew up in Michigan but now lives in Norman, Oklahoma. Ben works in IT for his day job and watches tornadoes on his day off. He has seen over 200 tornadoes since 2007 and has appeared on most national television networks. Travel is one of Ben’s favorite activities besides chasing tornadoes, as he has been to all 50 states and 19 countries.
Date: June 14, 2016
Location: Paducah, Texas
Some June supercells blew up in Western North Texas and dropped hail on the highway near Paducah, Texas.
Storm Chaser Ben Holcomb’s recap of the Paducah Texas Hailstorm
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Email: ben@benholcomb.com